The Complete Recorder

by NotJustCode

Project Background

This application is something which one of our group members has been looking for but seems not to currently be in the market. Most sound recorders pile up recordings into a list, without basic search functionality and organizations to help users find a specific recording.

As a user that records about 15 recordings a week, sifting through a pile of recordings and playing each one of them just to find the one recording you are looking for can be a pain.

Modern Design

An inviting UI/design which inspires every users to want to use it.


Organizational features so recordings can be categorized.

Effective Search

A universal (within the entire app) search feature and local (within a specific folder) search feature.

More to Come

Speeding or slowing down a recording, the option to add more content to pre-existing recording, etc...

Introduction Vlog

Vlog 1 - Project Progresses

Vlog 2 - November Progress

Vlog 3 - End of Year Progress

Vlog 4 - February Progress

Vlog 5 - March Progress

Vlog 6 - Final Progress

Project Commercial - The Complete Recorder

Project Demo - The Complete Recorder

Business Needs & Opportunity

We see this as being a useful application for artists, students and even casual everyday users.

We are hopeful for more advanced features we can add in the future to make the application a one stop recording application for all users needs.

There is nothing in the market that resembles what we would like to develop, which is why we want to do this.


They can record their ideas on the spot and be able categorize it, as well as access it easily that helps group it together for easier export.


For students, we believe that this app will be a great way for them to organize their notes and recording from a class which they attended on their mobile phone.

Everyday Users

Our powerful search and filter functionality will help every users to easily narrow down specific recordings they are trying to find, without concerning categories.

NotJustCode Team